Well today (technically yesterday, I suppose)I had my 36 week visit. Everything looks great. His heartbeat was an excellent 141 bpm. I gained a whole other 8 pounds today! So, altogether I've gained 17 pounds, which my OB was finally satisfied with. I have a little over average fundal height of about 38 centimeters(at 36 weeks most women are 35-36 cm, doesn't sound like much, but I guess there is a big difference according to my OB), which means he's more than likely going to be a BIG baby, fun fun! I can't believe it's almost time! It's a little nerve-racking, but exciting all the same.
And last week, I got to see Julie and Jonathan! That was a lot of fun, and I really appreciated them taking my little brother, Jake. We had a lot of fun. The first night we went to Outback, which was great! My brother loved it. :) Then, we went to San Marcos outlet mall for a few minutes of window shopping, before we headed of towards the bowling alley.

We stopped at their hotel first so Julie could get some socks. :)

We had an awesome time. I almost beat Jonathan, but he got me in the end by 10 points. I told him just wait until I have this belly out of the way, then he's done! haha :). Afterwards, we went to DQ (yum!) Where Julie, Jonathan, and Jake got oreo blizzards, I got a Thin mint blizzard, which was awesome.
The second day, the three of us went to the Cracker Barrel for breakfast, which was delicious :). And I, being paranoid, had gotten something on my WHITE shirt of course, and Jonathan&Julie were kind enough to take me back so I could change. We snatched my little brother from the house too, he just looked so lonely. So we couldn't figure out what to do, we just drove around for about an hour and a half, until we decided to go back to the outlet mall for more window shopping :). But, the evil Rocky Mountain (spotted fever, haha inside joke) Chocolate Factory had to seduce us with candied apples, brownies, and toffee, ha. Then we went to historic Gruene, TX for lunch, at the Gristmill. It was really good!

Julie had her first Chicken Fried Steak, which amazed me. I guess I'm just so used to it, and I never realized how much of a Texas thing it really is, haha.
We had a great time, and I can't wait to see them again, which shouldn't be too much longer at all!!

P.S. Thanks Julie&Jonathan for all the pictures I stole from your blog!! :D